viernes, 29 de marzo de 2019

La vida es bella

2 comentarios:

  1. The film is about the story of a Jewish man in the Nazi era. This jew falls in love with a woman and they have a son. Time later, the persecution against the Jews begins and he, had to go to the concentration camps with her wife and his son. When they arrived at the concentration camp, the protagonist’s son didn’t know what happening and her father starts to say that everything is a game , and his mission in the game was that no one could find he , and if nobody did, the child would gain a giant tank. Finally the war is over, but the child’s father is shot, althought the child is rescued and her mother too.

  2. "La vida es bella" is one of the movie, that has transmitted me most.
    I enjoyed, watching one of the parts of the movie because it made me remember the life of a great friend.
    I recomenmed this film, because you were going to appareciate life from another point of view.
    The end was something that during the movie you're going to go watching.
